FLODRAW Update: Version 2.25 June, 1992 (This update is provided free to all FLODRAW 2.2 registered users. All other users are urged to register.) It's been well over a year since the release of version 2.2. This update is the accumulation of enhancements and fixes to problems reported by users. The update disk contains two program files: FLODRAW.EXE (version 2.25) and PLOPCX.EXE (version 1.2). These are the only files that have changed with this release. Here is the list of the enhancements and fixes provided in version 2.25. New option to change printer port. This option was provided for network users. Only the following printers can use this option: HP Deskjet/LaserJet, Epson FX/MX and Star Gemini. All other printers use LPT1. If you have on of these printers, you can use this option to toggle the printer port between LPT1, LPT2, and LPT3. Select F8 (Change Setup Options) at the entry menu, then F (misc. printer options), and F4 (printer port.) Fix print problem using HP LaserJet with network print spoolers. FLODRAW will now work with most network print spoolers Fix print problem with HP Deskjet 500. The HP Deskjet 500 would sometimes skip lines when using the HP LaserJet printer driver. A separate printer driver has been added for the HP DeskJet to correct this problem Fix text display problems when using MS-DOS 5.0 with a different country code (a problem for some European users.) Fix problems with the directory display on the entry menu. This problem was only apparent if you had several hundred files in your directory. Fix problem preventing landscape selection when creating a new diagram. Some users got a help screen instead of landscape selection. New version of FLOPCX (FLOPCX 1.2) converts FLODRAW files to black and white PCX files to avoid problems importing four color files into some desktop publishing programs. The two color files have a CGA screen resolution of 640X200. The four color conversion is still retained as an optional parameter. The programs on the update disk replace the programs you are currently using. Rename the old programs and use the DOS COPY command to copy the new programs to your directory as shown below. Rename your current version of FLORAW.EXE to FLODRAW.OLD Rename your current version of FLOPCS.EXE to FLOPCX.OLD Put the update disk in your floppy drive. Use the DOS Copy command to copy the programs to your FLODRAW directory. For example, if your FLODRAW directory is on drive C: and the directory is called \FLO, and your floppy is in drive A:, your copy commands would look like this: A>COPY FLODRAW.EXE C:\FLO A>COPY FLOPCX.EXE C:\FLO This completes the update. George Freund, P.O. Box 203, Mentor, OH 44601